There you go: A typical
T and I very happily lived here for 4.5 years.
(We had to move last summer and now live in a not-quite-so-nice house on a not-quite-so-convenient location - luckily it's big)
But let's remember the good times:
Our previous home was even featured in a magazine. We had interior photographer Henny van Belkom come over, and he did magic with his camera. Here are some of the pictures he took:
greyish blue + white + greens |
aquamarine + purple + gold |
white + yellow + aquamarine + rose |
grey + white + green |
Schroef on the mantle: black + white on blue + white + natural wood |
aquamarine + inlaid wood + blue + yellow |
white + blue + rose + grey |
All photographs by Henny van Belkom.