Again: not exactly down to the last few things...

The Move is less than a week ago, and although i spent all the short time i had beforehand frantically trying to get everything sorted and organized, the actual move is best described as CHAOTIC.
Luckily we had a lot of help from a lot of dear friends and family members, (who i cannot thank enough - thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!) and we managed to move the entire contents of our house in one go (don't be fooled: we used a truck, a large van, a smaller van and several large cars, all of which were packed to their full capacity).

Since late last night we're virtually connected to the wide world again -finally!-, and slowly the new house is starting to feel like a home: Little corners and nooks are finished, i have full access to my wardrobe again, and we've been able to find most kitchen utensils (except for the can opener, which led to a short moment of panic yesterday evening, luckily the couscous turned out fine without the tomato purée i had planned to use).

On our walks X and i are getting to know our lovely new village. We try to greet the sea everyday, despite of the icy cold.

Yesterday we walked a good twenty minutes to the town's thrift store, which is way better than any Amsterdam thrift store i know (and i know all of them). More on that soon.

I'll leave you with a pic from last Sunday, when the winds didn't carry the freezing temperatures of the east, but it felt like spring was right around the corner. Add the subtle smell of sunscreen and the sound of shrieking seagulls and waves rolling on the beach and you can imagine T and i felt pretty happy about moving here.

Don't worry, i'll be blogging about art and design soon. Let me settle in for a bit, will ya?


My name is Jana, this is where i collect things