Kitchen by Studio ThoL The same guy who designed this amazing bathtub: Remember? For more information and even more g...
Nimbus D'Aspremont, 2012 - photograph by Cassander Eeftink Schattenkerk Dutch Artist Berndnaut Smilde found a way to create rea...
1. Soft sculpture moth by Mister Finch 2. Black and White Slingshot by Hella Slingshot s 3. Cat do it yourself paper lampshade by Do...
1. Circus Sack by Varpunen . 2. Dustpan & Brush by Andrée Jardin - spotted on Pinterest 3. Grey Angle Table Lamp 2.0 via Do...
For me, white marble used to be a definite NO. Used to be. Lately I noticed that my aversion against white marble counters or tabletop...
Looking at these photographs from artist Lee Eunyol, I just get the whole 'Neverland' experience: Dreaming away into the fairy-world...
1. Hippo and Giraffe Explorer Canvas Art by Pottery Barn kids - spotted on Pinterest 2. Block tower by Janod - via PSikhouvanjou...
Lionel Esteve , "La Rivière à midi" - 2008 Stone, embroidery yarn Image courtesy of the artist (via Design for Mankind )
You know those little hotel-soaps? I'm one of those people who always has to take them home 'because they make such a good souvenir...
Lately a lot of times when I really liked something knitted and I followed the link back to the original source, the name ' Donna Wilson...
World of Driftwood
This is where i collect things.
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