A few weeks ago I discovered this blog by Australian/Croatian/Dutch paper artist Marsha Golemac . I love how seemingly effortless Mars...

Lately I have been thinking about getting a wall calendar for the home. Not that we would desperately need one; our online calendar works ...

These knitted hats made by Annie Larson make me smile: Get them here spotted here

1. Lightning Sweater by Oeuf NYC 2. Picknick blanket via Urbans and Indians 3. Heirloom Bear Blanket by Roxy Marj (Romawinkel) ...

Little one is almost 6 weeks, and I feel like I'm slowly getting my body back. I'm pretty certain it will take a while (apparen...

One day I'll have my very own art wall. Right now the art collection that would be presented stylishly on said wall is hardly a coll...

A treehouse to add to my list of Treehouse getaways (remember this post ?): Cocoon Tree bed by Cocoon Tree - spotted on Designboom ...

Photographer Andrew B Myers. Not much to say really, just loving these -very aptly named- photographs: Degradation The inaccura...

Being pregnant and having a little baby basically kept me inside the house for the last two months. Not too convenient, with the Holidays ju...
World of Driftwood
This is where i collect things.
Popular lately
- Three Nations Blog
- New year, new calendar
- Ho ho ho
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- For little one
- Post-pregnancy style post
- Pretty pastel pop
- Wall wishlist
- Things
- Treehouse getaway II: Cocoon tree bed
- Andrew B Myers
- Shipping to my front door: Dille & Kamille
- Confettisystem
- Friday Quote: Everything
- Magno wooden radio
- On the wishlist for little one
- Atlas by Amba Molly
- Serenity